Everyone wants visitors, Specially if you are doing online business you want people to read your blog post. Lot of research & test has proved that people tends to visit blog post if they are written with proper title. Some words can do special effects. Here are some words which can surely boost your blog traffic.
Your blog post title should have
Numbers: Any number like 5 best ideas, 10 best things, 7 habits .Numbers are very good while writing blog post title
Quick: most of the time people are running out of time , if you have quick word in your post title .. you will be able to encourage more people to visit your blog post
Guarantee: This word gives assurance to people who are looking for the solution. It will drive more visitors to your blog post.
Boost: Everyone needs it 🙂 Agree?
Latest: Everyone wants to know latest things first ? People will blindly click it if you have “latest” in it.
Limited: Everyone wants to be different Limited edition has always its own market.
Dangerous: Fear is always driving factor.. It can drive people to read.