This is an interesting question which everyone has to understand deeply. Many time people start thinking who is the most important person in any organization? What I think is 99% of the time people with in the organization or outside the organization fails to understand this thing. Why?
Perception of the peopleĀ about Most Important Person in the organization?
- Most of the time people believe CEO is the most important person in any organization.
- After that it comes to Manager &
- the people who usually are very much involved in decision making or very close to CEO or with any director are the most important person in the organization.
But most of the time this is wrong…..
As per my opinion most important person in the organization are
- Who is always there for organization, when needed regardless of position.
- Person who is always ready to accept any kind of role which organization offers.
- Person who is usually irreplaceable.
- Person who is goes for a vacation & organization starts missing him or her right away.
- Person who love to be an ambassador of an organization at anytime.
Who are most important person in my company?
- Everyone who has stayed in night when needed. In Outsourcing Industry there is no way that you wont have an emergency & if anyone who works at midnight is one of the most important person in the organization. Because you can rely on him/her.
- Everyone who promotes LetsNurture without being told. I feel proud for an employee who does that without being told. I always respect these kind of people.
- Cleaners: I can not imagine life without them and they are giving 99% uptime. if anyone goes for leave someone replaces the work but it happens everyday including sunday.
- My Lawyers ( Usually we only meet when I had to pay fees, but because of them I feel secure and focus on work)